2010. október 15., péntek


Last concert you went to?
Tim Ripper Owens (with Thunderbolt + Crimes of Passion)

Ever been out of the country?

How long are you online each day?
For hours and hours...

Are you into fashion?

Who’s your favorite disney character?
Everyone from The Lion King :D

Have you ever egged someone’s house or car?
No, but sounds fun :D

How’s the weather outside?
Nice, sunny autumn weather.

If you could see someone right now who would it be?

What kind of computer do you have?
Use an IBM now

What’s your favorite drink?

Who is your favorite band/artist?
Soooo many... but if I have to choose one..Slash.

What were you doing at 3:00pm?
Drink a coffee with my loved one in my fav pub.

Have any siblings?

Do you have a favorite pair of jeans?
I had...

Would you rather be at the beach or be in the snow?
Beach!!! I'm a summer-born so it's no doubt :D

Would you rather eat or sleep?
Eat while I sleep.

Do you like long car rides?

Plans for the weekend?
Go out with friends, and relax...

Text or call?
Text. And call. :D Ok, text.

Are you a morning person?
Hell NO.

Sunrise or Sunset?

When is your birthday?
July 10.

How old will you be?

Ever been drunk?
Sometimeeeees.... :D

How many times have you been on a plane?

Favorite vacation spot?
Malaga, Spain.

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